Look Within Our advice is to look within when beginning your college search. Remember that you are not just looking for your future school – you are also choosing your future home. Examine who you are, including identifying your values,...
Author: Ivy Experience
Summer Activities in the Age of COVID
Summer programs, trips, camps, jobs, internships, research, and more are likely to be canceled or moved online. Some are still in a state of limbo, with coordinators (and, therefore, students) holding out hope that they may be able to continue...
Letters of Recommendation in the Age of COVID-19
Students face a new challenge in distance and hybrid learning: building close relationships with their teachers. Now more than ever, forging these relationships is imperative. Most importantly, strong student-teacher relationships help students make the most out of their educational experiences....
How To Create A Stellar College List
Building a college list can be daunting – and oftentimes the most intimidating part is just figuring out where to start. In this blog, we want to share how to create a college list in an accessible, comfortable, and effective...
Making the Most of Virtual School
With most students in a virtual or hybrid school model for at least the start of this school year, we at Ivy Experience are sharing our best advice for making the most out of virtual education. Establish a Good, Professional...
How Does Online Tutoring Work?
Though we have worked in person with families in the Philadelphia and San Diego areas, many of our families only know us as online tutors who work over video chat. We have worked this way with students in over 30...
An Updated Guide to Virtual College Tours
Where to start Without the option to visit colleges in-person, virtual tours and online content can provide a bridge and help you gain a sense of a school from the comfort of your home. While a virtual visit may not...
Test-Optional Policies: What Do They Mean?
Before COVID-19, there were already more than 1,000 colleges and universities that were test-optional. But with so many institutions changing their standardized test policies – some temporarily, others permanently – in light of the pandemic, there are more questions about...
Recommendations & Application FAQs
With continuing uncertainty about when (and if) schools will resume this spring, we recognize that juniors and families will have questions for their guidance counselors and teachers related to the college application process. In this blog post, we wanted to organize a...