Who are Admissions Officers?

Who are admissions officers?  Gatekeeper?  Resources?  Representatives?  At the core of it, admissions officers are people—human beings who have preferences and individual interests and happen to work in their institution’s admissions office. Just like you, they’re people with individual interests...

How Colleges Evaluate Activities

How you spend your time outside of class is very important to colleges. Spending time doing what you love is a great way to explore your interests, gain valuable experience, and help others in need.  But how do colleges view...

College Admissions is Not a Race

The college admissions process can seem like a race to the top. High school students seem to be thrown into this “race” mentality earlier and earlier, feeling pressure from their peers, parents, and schools to “prepare for college” before they...

Statistics that May Surprise You

Applying to college can be full of surprises, including some statistics about the process. Below we share some of the more surprising numbers regarding admission processes from schools around the country.  2,637 The top universities in the United States often...

College Transition Tips

It is a great feeling once your essays and applications; you’ve heard back from colleges, and are finally able to make your decision and send in your deposit!   However, once the university sweatshirt has arrived and you’ve had a chance...

Finding Support Systems in College

When students are looking for what they want in college, they think about academic opportunities, location, school spirit, and so many more factors. But what about what students need? In many cases, a top priority need is support systems. For...

All About Applying by Major

Many colleges and universities ask applicants to choose their course of study, or major, in their applications. Not all students choose to apply by major. Applying “undecided” is perfectly reasonable if you are uncertain about what you want to study....

What Is a Personal Statement?

Writing a personal statement can be a difficult task for students. Used to writing analytical essays for their classes, students struggle with confronting a new genre, especially when the stakes are so high.  The personal statement—or Common App essay—is a...