How to Brainstorm Your Personal Statement
The most important work on college application essays comes before you write the very first word of your very first...
The year Ivy Experience was founded.
States where Ivy Experience has worked with students.
Countries where Ivy Experience has worked with students.
Colleges attended by Ivy Experience alumni.
We help students in every phase of their education. That is why we provide everything from SAT/ACT test preparation to college application and essay coaching, academic tutoring, admissions prep meetings, and College Night seminars. With college admissions more competitive than ever, students must excel in each of these realms in order to optimize their applications.
More About UsThe most important work on college application essays comes before you write the very first word of your very first...
We are excited to announce our full schedule of webinars this spring! See below for topics, dates, and registration links....
How can you use your 10th or 11th grade student’s PSAT score to make a test prep plan? Read this...
Check out these essential links, articles, and other resources that we have compiled. There is no way to feel more empowered and reduce anxiety than having the facts on how to navigate the college prep process.
We are happy to answer your questions and get your Ivy Experience started.