We help students in every phase of their education. That is why we provide everything from SAT/ACT test preparation to college application and essay coaching, academic tutoring, admissions prep meetings, and College Night seminars. With college admissions more competitive than ever, students must excel in each of these realms in order to optimize their applications.
College Essay & Application Consulting
We are the ultimate guides and allies through this process—from brainstorming essay ideas and packaging the student, to keeping students on deadline and providing critical feedback on every draft of every essay, to helping to polish and proof all essays and applications before submission.
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SAT/ACT Test Prep
Our SAT and ACT test prep is individualized, efficient, and effective. Meetings are personalized to students based on their specific strategy and content needs. And with free SAT/ACT diagnostic tests, we ensure that students pick the right test to maximize their success. With no minimum packages or obligations, everything is customized to your student.
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Admissions Prep
The ultimate personalized college prep meeting for students in 9th and 10th grade and their families. In these one-time, one-hour meetings, get an invaluable roadmap to navigating the high school experience that is personalized to the student's individual goals and interests.
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Academic Tutoring
Struggling in pre-calculus? Need extra guidance before that chemistry final? Looking for support in writing essays for English or history? Ivy Experience tutors have students covered for their classes, as well as AP and SAT Subject tests.
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